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Call for projects: Circular economy – New development models

Published on March 30, 2022

The Third Industrial Revolution in Hauts-de-France, also called Rev3, is an action carried out jointly by the CCI Hauts-de-France and the Haut-de-France regional council. This revolution aims to evolve towards the ecological and social transition of the Hauts-de-France region.

At the heart of this revolution, the transition to the circular economy requires the invention of new modes of production and consumption. The mobilization of regional research capacities is essential to produce knowledge useful for taking action and should make it possible to address in a renewed way the challenges related to new development models and the circular economy.

Région hauts de france logo

C’est dans cette optique que la Hauts-de-France Region launches a call for projects open to regional laboratories and research establishments which may involve one or more non-academic partners.

It will focus primarily on those 3 axes: :

  • Axe 1 : Impact measurements and prediction models, new methods and new indicators
  • Axe 2 : Operationalization of the circular economy, implementation of new business models
  • Axe 3 : Conditions for the deployment of the circular economy and new development models in territories and society

The objectives of this call for research projects are as follows:

  • Renforcer et élargir la dynamique régionale de recherche autour de l’économie circulaire et des nouveaux modèles de développement ;
  • Accompagner la prise de risque scientifique sur des nouveaux champs de recherche liés à l’économie circulaire et aux nouveaux modèles de développement;
  • Favoriser et accélérer l’émergence d’une recherche transverse et pluridisciplinaire sur ces sujets, vecteur d’excellence pour les Hauts-de-France ;
  • Favoriser et accélérer le déploiement de l’économie circulaire et des nouveaux modèles économiques.

The selection process for this call for projects will take place as follows:

  • Pre-project / letter of intent: May 16, 2022
  • Complete file on selected pre-projects: July 15, 2022
  • Finalization of selection: September 16, 2022

For more information, the concept note and the model letter of intent are available at this link.