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The CALIMERO project (Industry Case studies anaLysis to IMprove EnviROnmental performance and sustainability of bio-based industrial processes), funded by the European Union, aims to improve current methodologies for analysing the sustainability (environmental, social, and economic) of bio-based industrial processes. Its objective is to provide a more comprehensive and reliable life cycle assessment (LCSA) of these industries, taking into account factors often overlooked by existing methodologies. This improvement is crucial to identify more eco-friendly and sustainable solutions.

Given the responsibility of European industries for 51% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, it is urgent to find ways to reduce them, while avoiding other negative impacts on sustainable development. The transition to a circular and low-carbon bioeconomy, outlined in the European Green Deal and the EU industrial strategy, is a political priority.

The CALIMERO project also addresses the gaps in assessment methodologies, such as the PEF (Product Environmental Footprint), by introducing improvements in the evaluation of biodiversity, toxicity, GHG emissions, as well as circularity and socio-economic indicators.

Duration: 2022 – 2025

Total budget: 3 518 900€