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revue critique

We can integrate a critical review from the beginning of the LCA study. This approach optimizes the methodology by incorporating feedback from experts at the earliest stages, facilitating the adjustment of assumptions and methods used.

The review can also be conducted at the end of the project, once the report is written. At this stage, we analyse the entire report to validate the conclusions, verify the relevance of the data, and ensure the transparency of the results before they are published.

Why conduct a critical review?

To evaluate the scientific rigor and methodology

To ensure the completeness and accuracy of the inventory analysis

To verify the relevance of the environmental impact assessment methods

To validate the relevance and applicability of the results

We propose

Panel critical review

A collaborative evaluation by multiple experts, providing a diverse analysis and consensus on the conclusions.

Individual critical review

An independent evaluation by a single expert, providing an in-depth analysis from a singular perspective.