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analyse du cycle de vie

Une méthodologie multi-étape

The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a multi-step, multi-criteria evaluation method standardised under ISO 14040. This method enables the comprehensive measurement of the overall environmental impact of a product, process, or service throughout its life cycle—from resource extraction to end-of-life, including manufacturing, transportation, marketing, and use.

A 360° Expertise

Environmental Life Cycle Assessment

Social Life Cycle Assessment

Territorial Life Cycle Assessment

Economic Life Cycle Assessment

Why conduct an LCA study?

To measure impacts using appropriate metrics

To understand and interpret the impacts of your activities and products.

To implement concrete and measurable impact reduction actions

To comply with regulatory requirements, communicate with objectivity and transparency

Comment faire une étude ?

Your needs

The data


The results


LCA software

Tools and methods

Our sectoral experts support you in your projects