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The goal of the PlastiCity project is to develop strategies and solutions to increase the recycling rate in urban environments from 20-30% to 50% by revalorising these "lost plastics" as a secondary resource. The PlastiCity project analyses the various stakeholders in the region and potential waste streams to develop and implement new strategies aimed at minimising leakages and increasing the recycling rates of plastic waste.

The primary outcome targeted by the project is a strategy to create PlastiCity hubs to significantly increase the recycling rates of lost plastics in urban environments. Such a hub is defined as a local network of relevant partners and physical infrastructure, supported by a digital environment/urban platform.

A co-creation process involving industry, government, research, and citizens will provide access to a wide range of skills, expertise, and urban and academic approaches, as well as various national and local systems that will help identify best practices, thus ensuring the development of a reproducible and relevant model for other urban environments in the 2Mers region.

Duration: 2019 – 2022

Total budget: 9 450 154€