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WeLOOP is co-organizing

IRTC Conference 2023

Published on September 26, 2022

WeLOOP is proud to be part of the organizing committee ofIRTC Conference 2023.

This conference brings together industry experts, researchers and policy makers to discuss in depth the criticality of raw materials.

IRTC Conference 2023: background

IRTC = International Round Table on Materials Criticality.

It is a global network funded by EIT RawMaterials, a European institution that aims to stimulate innovation in Europe.

Read also "WeLOOP is now a member of EIT Raw Materials!"

Rassemblement de l’IRTC. Source :

The IRTC network plays a very important role in the international debate on criticality car il rassemble des experts de divers univers : scientifique, industriel, et gouvernemental.

Thus, the IRTC conference allows experts to exchange about requirements to better monitor criticité des matières premières, les méthodologies d’évaluation de la criticité, industrial practices and needs regarding their use of critical raw materials, as well as stratégies pour atténuer les risques d’approvisionnement both at an industrial and a policy level.

Know more about IRTC.

IRTC Conference 2023: A real opportunity

From the 15th to the 17th of February 2023, the first IRTC Conference will take place in Lille (France).

Cet événement entre dans le cadre du programme IRTC-Training. Il a pour but de rassembler experts from diverse stakeholder groups to initiate discussions on criticality or raw materials that pose risks (Electric Vehicle) the economy and to an energy and ecological transition. For example, during this conference, the question of the use of rare metals for batteries and permanent magnets, which play a key role in the energy transition, will be addressed.

La conférence s’adresse donc à l’industrie, au monde universitaire et aux décideurs politiques concernés par les matières premières pour un avenir durable. "

WeLOOP membre du comité d’organisation

WeLOOP is a consultancy specialised inLCA (Life Cycle Assessment) and also includes in its team specialists in criticality assessment and sustainable use of raw materials: Dieuwertje Schrijvers, Alexandre Charpentier-Poncelet and Naeem Adibi.

Dieuwertje Schrijvers was the principal researcher of the IRTC project, d’abord dans son poste à l’Université de Bordeaux, maintenant chez WeLOOP.

Alexandre a obtenu son doctorat dans le groupe CyVi de l’Université de Bordeaux, au cours duquel il a développé une méthodologie d’évaluation de l’impact du cycle de vie pour tenir compte de la dissipation des ressources minérales.

Naeem Adibi, director and founder of WeLOOP, is an expert in the field of life cycle management et préside le comité d’organisation de la 11e conférence internationale sur la gestion du cycle de vie (LCM 2023), also to be held in Lille in 2023.

Thanks to its expertise, WeLOOP is a member of the organizing committee of IRTC Conference 2023. In order to ensure the preparation and the smooth running of the event, WeLOOP collaborates with the other members of the committee:

ESM Foundation, Fraunhofer, Rare Earths Industry Association (REIA)

Comité d’organisation d’IRTC Conference 2023

A call for abstracts is open until the 19th of October 2022 for all those who wish to share their views, experience and participate in IRTC Conference 2023. Feel free to participate by clicking here.