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The International Round Table on Materials Criticality (IRTC)

WeLOOP is a project partner of IRTC, a project established in 2018 and funded by EIT RawMaterials. IRTC consists of leading international experts in material criticality discussing different perspectives and requirements of criticality assessments, impacts of criticality, and ways to mitigate it. The project bridges academic expertise, industry practice, and policy-making, and engages with stakeholders around the world.

Will we have all the materials to ensure our energy and digital transition?

Aurons-nous toutes les matières pour assurer notre transition énergétique et numérique ?
La Région Hauts de France va accueillir près de 200 experts mondiaux spécialistes de la criticité des ressources, qui tenteront d’y répondre lors de la 1ère édition du congrès IRTC, du 15 au 17 février 2023 à LILLIAD.

WeLOOP is co-organizing IRTC Conference 2023

WeLOOP is proud to be part of the organising committee for IRTC Conference 2023. This conference brings together industry experts, researchers and policy-makers to discuss in depth the criticality of raw materials.