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Second version of the Fuelguide : What is new

Published on June 1st, 2022

At present, many citizens still do not have access to public transport. Therefore, choosing a personal car is critical in helping citizens make a more sustainable car choice. WeLOOP and DATS 24 ont collaboré sur la première version de l’outil de mobilité simplifié pour le marché belge. Cet outil, baptisé le « Fuel Guide  , saw the launch of its first version in January 2022.

The Fuel Guide helps users base their choice on environmental and life cycle cost criteria in a simplified format. It includes both economic and ecological assessments of solutions. The environmental assessment is based on a verified Life Cycle Assessment.

What is new?

Following the success of its first version, we have been working in recent months to improve it. It is with great pleasure that we announce the launch of this second version.

Cette deuxième version de l’outil est livrée avec quelques fonctionnalités supplémentaires. L’utilisateur peut désormais choisir le ratio des scores environnementaux et économiques. Le score final sera ensuite calculé et fournit selon ce ratio.

Les scores environnementaux dépendent dorénavant de l’environnement de conduite, déduit du code postal de l’utilisateur.

Two models of the driving environment were considered for calculating the final score: the city and the countryside. Particulate matter pollutes the urban environment, and its consequences on our health are more harmful than in rural areas. This approach makes it possible to adapt the final scores to the user's driving environment.

Depending on the user's location, the environmental scores will be either those of the rural or urban environment. This distinction is based on IQ AIR's air quality report for the year 2021.

The decision-making matrix and the various economic scores were also updated. These depend on the user's region; this distinction considers the differences in costs and taxes between the different Belgian areas.